Why does silicone rubber keypad have Low cost?

11 Mar, 2023

By hqt


Silicone rubber keypad is an essential component of many devices and systems, such as remote controls, electronic gadgets, medical equipment, and industrial machines. It is a tactile interface that allows users to input data or commands into the device, providing a user-friendly and efficient way of controlling the device’s functions. The low cost of silicone rubber keypad has made it a popular choice in various industries, and this article will explore the reasons behind this affordability.

Production of Silicone Rubber Keypad

Silicone rubber keypads are made from silicone rubber, which is a synthetic material composed of silicon, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. The manufacturing process involves mixing silicone rubber with a curing agent, pigments, and additives to achieve the desired properties, such as hardness, flexibility, and color. The mixture is then molded into the desired shape and cured at a high temperature to cross-link the polymer chains and form a solid, durable material.

The raw materials used in the production of silicone rubber keypad, such as silicone rubber and pigments, are readily available and relatively inexpensive. The manufacturing process, although complex, is automated and requires minimal labor, reducing production costs. The factors affecting the production cost of silicone rubber keypad include the complexity of the design, the size and shape of the keypad, and the quantity produced.

Advantages of Silicone Rubber Keypad

Silicone rubber keypad has several advantages that make it a preferred choice in many applications. First, it is durable and can withstand repeated use without losing its tactile feel or functionality. It can also resist extreme temperatures, from -50°C to 200°C, making it suitable for use in harsh environments. Additionally, it is resistant to chemicals, UV rays, and abrasion, ensuring long-lasting performance and low maintenance cost. Moreover, silicone rubber keypad is customizable, allowing for various designs, colors, and shapes to suit different applications and user preferences.

Comparison with Other Keypad Materials

Silicone rubber keypad is not the only material used in the production of keypads. Other materials, such as plastic, metal, and rubber, are also used, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. When compared to these materials, silicone rubber keypad offers superior performance at a lower cost. For example, metal keypads are durable but heavy and expensive, while plastic keypads are cheap but less durable and less resistant to temperature and chemicals. Rubber keypads, on the other hand, are flexible but less durable and less customizable than silicone rubber keypads. Therefore, silicone rubber keypad strikes a balance between performance and cost, making it a cost-effective choice for many applications.

Low Cost of Silicone Rubber Keypad

Despite its many advantages, one of the main reasons for the popularity of silicone rubber keypad is its low cost. The cost of silicone rubber keypad has been decreasing over the years, thanks to advancements in technology and economies of scale. For instance, the automation of the manufacturing process has reduced labor costs and improved production efficiency, resulting in lower production costs.

Moreover, bulk production discounts and cost savings have made silicone rubber keypad even more affordable. Manufacturers can offer discounts for large orders, allowing buyers to save money while still getting high-quality keypads. Also, fewer defects and less waste in production result in cost savings for manufacturers, which can be passed on to buyers.

Another factor that contributes to the low cost of silicone rubber keypad is its long-lasting performance and low maintenance cost. Unlike other materials, silicone rubber keypad does not wear out quickly, reducing the need for frequent replacements. It is also easy to clean and maintain, further lowering the overall cost of ownership.

Lastly, silicone rubber keypad is affordable even in customized designs, which can be a significant cost factor in other materials. Manufacturers can easily create custom molds for different designs, colors, and shapes, without significantly affecting the production cost. This affordability has made silicone rubber keypad a popular choice for manufacturers and buyers alike.


In conclusion, silicone rubber keypad is a cost-effective and durable choice for many applications. Its affordability is due to factors such as advancements in technology, economies of scale, and long-lasting performance. Silicone rubber keypad offers superior performance compared to other materials, such as metal, plastic, and rubber, at a lower cost, making it a popul ar choice in various industries.


What is silicone rubber keypad?

Silicone rubber keypad is a tactile interface used in various devices and systems, such as remote controls, electronic gadgets, medical equipment, and industrial machines. It is made from silicone rubber and is customizable in design, color, and shape.

How is silicone rubber keypad produced?

Silicone rubber keypad is produced by mixing silicone rubber with a curing agent, pigments, and additives, molding the mixture into the desired shape, and curing it at a high temperature. The manufacturing process is automated and requires minimal labor, reducing production costs.

What are the advantages of silicone rubber keypad?

Silicone rubber keypad is durable, resistant to extreme temperatures, chemicals, and abrasion, customizable in design, and has low maintenance costs.

How does the cost of silicone rubber keypad compare with other materials?

Silicone rubber keypad offers superior performance compared to other materials, such as metal, plastic, and rubber, at a lower cost.

How has technology impacted the cost of silicone rubber keypad?

Advancements in technology, such as the automation of the manufacturing process, have reduced labor costs and improved production efficiency, resulting in lower production costs.


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